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Tools of choice – inside the sim

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I am using some powerful tools in my A320 Cockpit and what to share them with you. This will not contain Scenery Add-Ons as they belong to personal flavour.

ToolDescriptionFreeware/ Payware
Real Time FlightAdjusting the local time to the real local timeFreeware
Time Zone FixerFix local time zones for P3DPayware
Ultimate Traffic LiveTraffic Addon for Live TrafficPayware
HotKeyNetTransfer Key-Presses from PC to PCFreeware
CPDLC AOCCPDLC Software for JeeHellFreeware
Pro-ATC-XATC software for offline flightsPayware
FS-FlightscontrolPowerful „Instructor Station“Payware
FS Raas 2.0Raas is running on my main PC and provide RAAS CalloutsFreeware
corteManager4JHMy tool to import Company Routes to JeeHell FMGSFreeware
JeeHell EXT PWR by GSXSoftware to access GSX withing JeeHell FMGSFreeware
JeeHell Packflow to ArduinoSoftware to manage external Fan in HomecockpitFreeware
FFTF DynamicImprove FPS on Ground by adjusting the FiberFrameFrictionPayware
Active Sky / Cloud ArtBest weather tool everPayware
FSUIPC5 / WideFSMust have for Cockpit BuildersPayware
MobiflightTo run addition IO-BoardsFreeware
PFPX 2.0Flight PlanningPayware
TOPCATFueling SoftwarePayware
Navigraph Charts & FMSCharts Software and FMS Airac UpdatesPayware
DropboxFilesharing for OPF to distribute on the Cockpit iPadFreeware

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