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SIMstarter NG announced / angekündigt!

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Mid of 2013 the idea of FSXstarter was born. The idea of an tool which should improve the handling of different configuration profiles. Now 3 years later the Next Generation of SIMstarter has been announced by Aerosoft. SIMstarter NG based on the ideas of SIMstarter and a lot of improvements. It will become payware.

We offer all people who did a donation until 21st of February 2016 for SIMstarter a FREE COPY of SIMstarter NG for a period of 60 days after release of SIMstarter NG. Thank you for all supporters of SIMstarter. The development and support of SIMstarter will discontinue from now on. I hope for your understanding.

There will be a MigrationTool to migrate all SIMstarter profiles into SIMstarter NG. Not a big deal at all!

Please find screenshots and the full announcement here:

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