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SIMstarter NG 1.4.4 – out now!

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Some important features but bugfixes as well. Some FSUIPC settings can be done via the Simulator ConfigurationSet and the Simulator ConfigurationSets can be exported to one HTML file – very useful.

The new version 1.4.4 is availible by AutoUpdate now. Just start SIMstarter NG and the update dialog comes up. To get this version you must have installed version >=1.4.0. If not, please download the latest version from your download shop of your purchase.


Einige neue Features aber auch wichtige Bugfixes bringt die neue Version. Einige FSUIPC können nun mittels Simulator KonfigurationsSet gemacht werden und Simulator ConfigurationSets in eine HTML Datei exportiert werden, was sehr nützlich ist um Konfigurationen mit einander zu vergleichen oder ein Sicht-Backup zu haben.

Weiterlesen »SIMstarter NG 1.4.4 – out now!

SIMstarter NG v1.4.3 – out now!

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Some important features but bugfixes as well. Some FSUIPC settings can be done via the Simulator ConfigurationSet and the Simulator ConfigurationSets can be exported to one HTML file – very useful.

The new version 1.4.3 is availible by AutoUpdate now. Just start SIMstarter NG and the update dialog comes up. To get this version you must have installed version >=1.4.0. If not, please download the latest version from your download shop of your purchase.Weiterlesen »SIMstarter NG v1.4.3 – out now!

SIMstarter NG v1.4 available!

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Just a  small X-Mas “gift” from my side. The new version 1.4.1 is availible now. Just start SIMstarter NG and the update dialog comes up.

To get this version you must have installed version 1.4.0. If not, please download the latest version from your download shop of your purchase.Weiterlesen »SIMstarter NG v1.4 available!

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