D-ALAM – HIFI ActiveSky Einstellungen
General General WX Configuration: Force Historical to Sim Time Historical weather Weather date and time 10/2/2018 19:03:55 Force historical time to sim time: On General Prevent downloads on approach: Off Use VATSIM Weather: Off Auto load simulator flightplan: Off Send immediately to system tray: On Application sounds: Off Play wind shear aural alert: Off Selected…
D-ALAM – VATSIM auf dem Tablet im Homecockpit
Bisher hatte ich den VATSIM Piloten Client “vPilot” immer nochmal auf dem SIM-PC (Hauptrechner mit P3Dv4) im Hintergrund laufen. Da ich während der Simulation den vPilot aber nicht sehen wollte, habe ich Chatnachrichten nie wirklich gelesen. Wie man den vPilot im Host und Remote Modus laufen lassen kann, will nachfolgend erläutern…
Batch file to backup and merge JeeHell Config after update
I’ve searched for an easy way to backup my \A320FMGS\ folder in front of an JeeHell Update. After each update I need to merge the existing configuration files with the files of the backup. This little batch file is doing this now… Requirements JeeHell FMGS A320 WinMerge (https://winmerge.org) The batch file @echo off rem ———-…
PUSH2TALK Tool for Windows Tablet
As I am using a windows tablet since some weeks I needed a tiny tool to press a predefined key to support Teamspeak 3. The tool sends keypress when you click a button and stop sending keypress after re-clicking. Simple but I did not found any similar. Please find the download here.
Tools of choice – inside the sim
I am using some powerful tools in my A320 Cockpit and what to share them with you. This will not contain Scenery Add-Ons as they belong to personal flavour. Tool Description Freeware/ Payware Real Time Flight Adjusting the local time to the real local time Freeware Time Zone Fixer Fix local time zones for P3D…
D-ALAM – Problems to access windows shares?
Microsoft enhanced security for Windows 10 by disabling SMB2 Guest access in Windows 10. This can cause that you cannot access to your FMGS weather or Terrain data. See more information and how to fix this: https://support.microsoft.com/de-de/help/4046019/guest-access-in-smb2-disabled-by-default-in-windows-10-and-windows-ser