Some important features but bugfixes as well. Some FSUIPC settings can be done via the Simulator ConfigurationSet and the Simulator ConfigurationSets can be exported to one HTML file – very useful.
The new version 1.4.4 is availible by AutoUpdate now. Just start SIMstarter NG and the update dialog comes up. To get this version you must have installed version >=1.4.0. If not, please download the latest version from your download shop of your purchase.
Die neue Version 1.4.4 wird mittels integriertem Updateprogramm installiert. Also, einfach SIMstarter NG starten, dass Update wird angeboten und installieren.
Es muss Version >=1.4.0 installiert sein. Sollte dies nicht der Fall sein, bitte die letzte Version aus dem Download Shop, bei dem Ihr SIMstarter NG gekauft habt, herunterladen.
Release notes:
— 11.01.2017 – v1.4.4
[CHANGED] Logging - Notification if more then 500 MB of archived Logfiles are found in .\log\ [CHANGED] LiveryMGR - List of aircrafts will be refreshed in a loop because of korean language. Switched to UNIX timestamp. [CHANGED] General - Enhanced logging [BUGFIX] Profile - Simulator ConfigSet shows "<nothing>" items [BUGFIX] Languages - In some cases user are getting a language error but the language file still exists [BUGFIX] Logging - Log rotation includes other ZIP files which makes no sense [BUGFIX] FSUIPC - Avoid writing [SIMSTARTERNG-SETTINGS] to FSUIPC4.INI [BUGFIX] FSUIPC - ConfigSet is showing the wrong values [BUGFIX] SimConfig - Deleting *_FSUIPCINI.cfg too if a SimConfigSet will be deleted