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SIMstarter first screenshots and GoogleEarth Export of installed Scenerys

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We are in FinalTesting Phase right now. Therefore I would like to present some screenshots of the new Version.

Günter had have the great idea to include a GoogleEarth Export of all additional, non basic scenery. This is a tough job to filter the Sceneryinformation in the right way to get a good result.

Screenshots:Weiterlesen »SIMstarter first screenshots and GoogleEarth Export of installed Scenerys

Preview SIMstarter v2 (formerly FSXstarter)

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[Deutscher Text unten…]

I’ve worked „several hours“ together with Günter Steiner to release version 2.0 of FSXstarter soon. A lot of feedback and wishes of FSXstarter users have been realized in that new version. I decided to rename „FSXstarter“ to „SIMstarter“ because the new version will be capable for FSX and PREPAR3D v2.x.

The most important feature in my mind is SIMstarter will recognize, if any changes „outside of SIMstarter“ has been done in fsx.cfg or prepar3d.cfg. With the new „Diff Manager“ you can decide if you’d like to import these changes to your MasterProfile or ignore it. That will help to stay the Master of your configuration files.

New Features and Improvements:Weiterlesen »Preview SIMstarter v2 (formerly FSXstarter)

FSXstarter – Problems installing other programs (e.g. IvAP)

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Some users of FSXstarter told me, that they have problems after installing IvAP or UT2 because these programs did not work properly. For example IvAP adds the following line to your fsx.cfg:



[Edit 24.03.2014]: Use SIMstarter. SIMstarter uses Diff Manager to get aware of changes from other programs.


Please keep in mind: Every new config change made to fsx.cfg bei any other application or an installer will be overwritten by your FSXstarter profile. So far, that works as designed!

Weiterlesen »FSXstarter – Problems installing other programs (e.g. IvAP)

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