I’ve searched for an easy way to backup my \A320FMGS\ folder in front of an JeeHell Update. After each update I need to merge the existing configuration files with the files of the backup.
This little batch file is doing this now…
- JeeHell FMGS A320
- WinMerge (https://winmerge.org)
The batch file
@echo off rem ---------- SET DEFAULT DIRECTORIES ---------------- set pathOrg=P:\A320FMGS set pathBkp=P:\A320FMGS - Kopie set pathWinMerge=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe rem ---------- DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE ---------- rem ---------- DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE ---------- rem ---------- DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE ---------- echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo Backup Creation and Merge for JeeHell FMGS echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo by Peter Rosendahl echo https://aviation.pero-online.de echo. echo. set /p "pathOrg=Enter path to 'A320FMGS' or press ENTER for default [%pathOrg%] : " set /p "pathBkp=Enter path to 'A320FMGS' Backup or press ENTER for default [%pathBkp%] : " xcopy "%pathOrg%" "%pathBkp%" /e /i /y /s set starterIni=\starter.ini set aircraftCfg=\Aircraft\A320-214\aircraft.cfg set aircraftIni=\FMGS Server\PERF\CFM\aircraft.ini set egpwswxrIni=\EGPWS_WXR.ini cls echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo Backup Creation and Merge for JeeHell FMGS echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo by Peter Rosendahl echo https://aviation.pero-online.de echo. echo. echo Backup done. Please make JeeHell FMGS Update and press key to continue after echo JeeHell Update has been completed... pause cls echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo Backup Creation and Merge for JeeHell FMGS echo ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo by Peter Rosendahl echo https://aviation.pero-online.de echo. echo. echo Please do not close this window until all WinMerge sessions are done... call "%pathWinMerge%" "%pathBkp%%starterIni%" "%pathOrg%%starterIni%" call "%pathWinMerge%" "%pathBkp%%aircraftCfg%" "%pathOrg%%aircraftCfg%" call "%pathWinMerge%" "%pathBkp%%aircraftIni%" "%pathOrg%%aircraftIni%" call "%pathWinMerge%" "%pathBkp%%egpwswxrIni%" "%pathOrg%%egpwswxrIni%"
How it works
- Set the path of the Original \A320FMGS folder
- Set the path of the Backup folder (make sure that is does not exist)
- Copy Original folder to Backup folder
- Wait for you to complete your JeeHell FMGS Update
- Continue the batch file opens WinMerge (external program) three times to make sure each and every config item is correct. Save the files
- Batch file closes
- Copy the script in a batch file (peroJeeHellBackupMerge.cmd)
- Adjust the path settings
- Save it in the parent folder of your A320FMGS folder
(Example: D:\A320FMGS\ place it to D:\)