JeeHell EXT PWR by GSX and FSUIPC 6.0.10
Since a change of FSUIPC6 my Script was unable to perform key-presses in GSX. The GSX menu opened up but nothing happend. This have been… Weiterlesen »JeeHell EXT PWR by GSX and FSUIPC 6.0.10
Since a change of FSUIPC6 my Script was unable to perform key-presses in GSX. The GSX menu opened up but nothing happend. This have been… Weiterlesen »JeeHell EXT PWR by GSX and FSUIPC 6.0.10
As many of you asked me which simulator I am using at the moment. So I take some minutes to write about my simulator and… Weiterlesen »Sim of choice – PREPAR3D v5
Thanks to Vanessa who recorded a new very realistic SoundPack for my Cabin Script. Download can be found here.
Thanks to Rafi who recorded a new cool SoundPack for my Cabin Script. Download can be found here.
Corte Manager for JeeHell is now compatible with JeeHell FMGS 53.0.1 or higher. JeeHell changed the behavior to create new *.bin files with that version.… Weiterlesen »corteManager4JH – v1.5.7 released!
Für viele Nutzer von JeeHell gab es bisher kein Sharklet Modell des A320 CFG und IAE. Im Internet ist nun ein Download zu finden. Wie… Weiterlesen »D-ALAM – A320 Sharklet Model
The LandingRateMonitor got a new update with new features. The GUI has been improved as well for easy sorting. The „Top“ Button shows your Top5… Weiterlesen »JeeHell EXT PWR by GSX — Version 9.12 out now!
General General WX Configuration: Force Historical to Sim Time Historical weather Weather date and time 10/2/2018 19:03:55 Force historical time to sim time: On General… Weiterlesen »D-ALAM – HIFI ActiveSky Einstellungen
Bisher hatte ich den VATSIM Piloten Client „vPilot“ immer nochmal auf dem SIM-PC (Hauptrechner mit P3Dv4) im Hintergrund laufen. Da ich während der Simulation den vPilot aber nicht sehen wollte, habe ich Chatnachrichten nie wirklich gelesen.
Wie man den vPilot im Host und Remote Modus laufen lassen kann, will nachfolgend erläutern…
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